You are always welcome to exchange an item but we do not return or refund your money. You have 30 days to decide if an item is right for you. We offer exchanges for any item on our shop within 30 days of purchase.
Once orders have been shipped out, there is a 50% deductable from the shipping price although the package was not fully processed through
If you would like to exchange an item we recommend that all returns be sent with a traceable carrier such as USPS, UPS or FedEx. Keep the Return Tracking Number from the package you are returning to ensure that the package has been delivered to our location. Melimayystudios is not responsible for any packages sent with a return label not provided with a tracking number.
Although we expect all orders to be packaged correctly and take proper percausions, we take accountability for incorrect orders received. Please take note these situations are rare but do happen. If you recieve and incorrect item we ask that you email us at [email protected] to receive a pre-paid return shipping label. We ask for you to return the item to us. Once we receive it we will ship out your correct order free of charge. We understand this may cause frustration, however stock is important to us due to being a small business. Receiving the incorrect item is valuable to our studio to ensure situations like these do not occur. We apologize in advance and hope you understand.
Refund before shipment
We only offer refunds if the item has not been fulfilled. There will be a small transaction fee
*please be patient with us as we are a limited team of 1*
-We are not subject to Refund incorrect orders-